Take a Moment

Take moments during the day to breathe, to stop, to silence all the thoughts running through your mind.

A few minutes of silence can help you keep your sanity.

Use a picture to help bring a happy thought in mind.

In this crazy world we run around so much, and there is never enough time.

Choose to take the time. You’re worth it.

New Year – it’s a day

New Years is my favorite holiday!

New Years is a holiday where no one has any preconceived notions of how it should be spent. Party or stay home. Celebrate in New York City or on your own comfy couch. It’s your choice.

It’s also just another day. It’s another midnight. So the calendar changes.

You choose to make resolutions or treat it like any other day, and it’s all okay.

I’ve had incredible years that started celebrating with friends or kissing a loved one at midnight. I’ve also had a year that started with a friend committing suicide.

No matter how this new year starts for you, remember that each day is a gift. Try not to take it for granted.

Breathing is a good day.

Hello world!

Hi! I have no idea what I’m doing, so please forgive me if this site is clunky. I’m learning as I go. I’ve had this idea and paid for the site back in April… I’ve been too scared to start. Well, something got into me today, and we’ll see how it goes.

Starting something new is scary. It’s uncomfortable. It’s not easy.

I have no idea if anyone will ever read this or find this site. All I know is that I want to try to share thoughts in the hopes that this site can help others get thru a hard time or remember to enjoy life – no matter how crazy or tough it gets.

As long as you’re breathing, you have the ability to make the most out of your life.